Spider robot from Kondo Kagaku movement resembles spider legs Original

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

Kondo Kagaku robot maker from Japan has launched a new spider robot with six legs and the from which looks more like a spider, especially when the spider stomping feet on the table like in this video.

Robot spider has a code-M6 KMR model and is tergeted to fans of the robot, researchers / education, and people who want to scare other people also can. Each leg has two servo motors Kondo KRS-2552HV ICS - one for horizontal rotation and one for vertical movement. This bot seems to have a maximum ground clearance of about 4 inches.

The control panel Kondo RCB-4HV directs leg movement, and battery 10.8V 800mAh Ni-MH for electricity supply. Users can add additional leg assemblies to make the spider more frightening. The robot will be marketed in May for about $880, probably will find many fans among users Kondo KHR humanoid robot kit.

Let's see the video of this spider roboy in action:
More aboutSpider robot from Kondo Kagaku movement resembles spider legs Original

All content on Google Video Next Month Will Be Deleted

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

This spring cleaning season seems to have become for Google to your account and content on some services. While YouTube and Blogger to force users to upgrade their old accounts, recently spread the news that Google Video is also doing the same thing and even seem more extreme by removing all the videos in your existing content without the possibilty of migration or update your account even if its users.

So far, Google itself has sent an email to all users who have uploaded something to the Google Video service. It contains notices of removal of all existing content and start effectively enforced by the end of this month.

"Later this month, host video content on Google Video will not be available to play again. Google Video upload services ceased in May 2009, which then and now We will remove remaining host content,"said Google to users.

"We want you to move your content to YouTube, if you have not already. YouTube offers a lot of video hosting options, including the ability to share videos you personally or the way is not listed even though",he said

As we all know, so far YouTube has become the world's largest video site by a significant margin that offers some of the most sophisticated tools. However, the problem is precisely because the current Google itself does not offer a practical way to move content from Google Video to YouTube, so the user must do it manually.

"We've added the Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content that you want to save. if you do not want to download your content, you do not need to do anything ",explains Google.

access video content onlene, it would be nice if the user in question can create a new account on YouTube and Google Video remove the video from YouTube into account the new users manually. And given Google has blocked the upload on Google Video since two years ago, it is not expected to be many users who are still active today although still remaining about 2.8 milion videos are still available though.
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AMD Starts Mass Production of GPU Radeon HD 7000 in May Upcoming

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

With the existence of three low-end GPU card from the fleet flagship Radeon HD 6000 Series of his ready for release to the market in the near future, AMD seems to change most of its attention toward 28nm GPU tecnology, the Southern Islands to come. Then coupled with the claim that the report recently appeared related to the production plan is problem fastest in May and the release date is expected in June or July.

The report it self comes from the publication DigiTimes with quote sources "from graphics card makers", which unfortunately does not reveal other details about the chip in location.

There's even a word that indicates that the Southern Islands besutan AMD GPU is based on the same architecture as used in the current core Cayman (or rather can be found in the architecture of the Radeon HD 6900 GPU card).

This will be tweaked to 28nm manufacturing process and production of smaller nodes. That way, of course, will allow AMD to install the unit streaming into  the Radeon HD 7000 series GPU later.

So far, there is only speclation about the performance of the latest AMD graphics cores. However, with advances in fabrication technology may even be as single-GPU HD 7000 will more sophisticated and far more superior than the Radeon HD 6990 available today.

Production of the Southern Islands, the frist time will be built by TSMC. And if all goes well with its 28nm fabrication technology, to furhter the production of some parts will soon be moved production to GlobalFoundries.

Range Radeon HD 7000 graphics cards will include both desktop and notebooks. As for the mobile version of the GPU itself is likely to soon bring four different models in the future.

Previously there was leakage associated with the launch of the Radeon 7000 GPU first in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2011. However, news gathering has now become biased due to the emergence of new news regarding the Southern Islands desktop GPU which will soon be released in the third quarter(Q3) this year since AMD introduced the first version of the desktop GPU recently.
More aboutAMD Starts Mass Production of GPU Radeon HD 7000 in May Upcoming

PlayStation 3 Sold Out

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

Sony PlayStation 3 even more popular. This third generation PlayStation console has benn breaking sales records to 50 million units worldwide since its launch in November 2006.

Quoted Telegraph.co.uk, Monday, April 19, 2011, Sony shipped 3.5 million units by the end of 2006. The next year, Sony is marketing the 9.1 million units and 10.1 million units in 2008, and reached 13 million units in 2009.

Surprisingly, almost 1.5 years later, the PS3 sales skycrocket to reach the milestone of 50 million units.

Nearest Rival Sony, which  is Microsoft has achieved the first milestone. About a month ago he announced in January Xbox sales reach 50 million units.

Meanwhile, in December last, Nintendo announced th Wii unit sales reached 34 million in the United States itself.

Not just the PS3, Sony's other consoles are increasingly in demand. Move PlayStation sales exceeding 8 million globally uni as of 3 April, continuing growth and momentum of the PS3 platform.

Howefer, the PlayStation Move gets serious challange ever since the rival Microsoft released Kinect.
More aboutPlayStation 3 Sold Out

Russian Hoax Alien Video

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

On the internet currently being discussed about the rampant circulation of a video that describes the discovery of an alien corpse in Russia. Mentioned, aliens who were killed were found in the Irkutsk region, Siberia is covered with thick snow.

Alien who killed an estimated height of about 60-90 inches with a large head and long legs and arms. The newly uploaded video to YouTube 3 days ago it was seen up to 4,5 million times. But many are questioning the authenticity of the video.

Quoted from Space, 21 April 2011, the video was found in a number of clues that the video was a hoax or a false story.

First is the opening scene. Highlight video recorder environment around the discovery of aliens is to demonstrate to the audience area was the discovery of aliens. This tecnique is commonly used in the film industry. For example, if you watch a situation comedy, the scene opens with the camera will highlight the exterior of the house or apartment before acting highlight the characters in the room.

Next, the cameraman also directly highlight his colleagues, just take pictures of footprints in the snow leading to the discovery of the position of being 'outer space' issue. Here it appears that the video recorder already know that the aliens were there and no 'found' by accdient.

Furthermore, the actors who speak in Russian souding middle of a laugh. His tone was not like people are surprised or curious as to find a foreign object is very unusual.

Another clue is the scene that was designed less precise. Cameras follow the trail in the snow leading to the position of aliens who described the trail was a former aircraft accidents. But there was no found dead spacecraft or signs of other foreign bodies, just a piece of alien bodies created in dramatic conditions. For example one of his legs are made as if cut in a plane crash.

What is suspicious is that it looks exactly like the aliens alien depictions in Hollywood movies or on t-shirts, comic books, and others. Alien skin is transparent does give a creepy effect, but this can be created easily using the agar nodes and animal body parts that can be bought at the butcher shop.

To that end, Life Little Mysteries are trying to examine the validity of an alien video that said the film was just a hoax.
More aboutRussian Hoax Alien Video

Reasons Not Allow Eating in Front of Computer

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

When the work piled up, you'll often have to eat in front of the computer. Those bad habits you must immediately remove. How busy job, take time to enjoy your lunch. Because not only have an effect on unhealthy eating habits but also make your food contaminated with many bacteria.

you do not realize that the keyboard that you use there are thousands of bacteria. We put the food in front of the keyboard, then you type it, these bacteria could be thrown into the food you eat.

The keyboard is one of the dirtiest of office equipment and rarely cleaned. There is even research that shows that bacteria found on the keyboard more than the bacteria found on toilet. So, do not take risks with eating in front of the computer, because harmful bacteria from the keyboards can contaminate food and can make you sick.

Not only that, rest or food crumbs scattered very tempting spread of animal diseases such as rats, cockroaches and files. Can you imagine if your desk a favorite place these animals because a lot of food. Surely you  will be exposed to virues such animal-borne illnesses each day.

it is important to maintain the cleanliness of the desk as you work place each day. Do not just rely on the office cleaners, to clean the table. Occasionally clean the table of their own work optimally and keep it clean, especially your keyboard. To clean your desk could use wipes that contain alcohol. Because the alcohol content in it enough to effectively kill bacteria.
More aboutReasons Not Allow Eating in Front of Computer

Tips To Use Environmentally Friendly PC

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Kamis, 21 April 2011Rabu, 20 April 2011

Computers can't escape from everyday life today. Work, seek entertainment, or social activites is dependent with the use of computers. This trend is resulting  in rising energy use and costs for each year.

Welcomes Earth Day will be held on 22 April 2011, the APC by Schneider Electric provides tips on using computers efficiently to save costs, extend life of computer equipment and also helps save the earrh.

  • Turn the computer off at night so that the computer is only used for 8 hours- to save energy use up to 810kWh per year and 67 percent usage.
  • Connect the computer to a surge protector with a master control outlet, so the system can automatically find out when the computer is not used to and then disconnect power to the computers and equipment.
  • Use the LCD monitor because it uses less energy and not make the eyes work harder as in the CRT.
  • Buy a computer equepped with Energy Star features. For the record, the laptop also uses less energy than desktops.
  • Plan the use of computers so  that all activites can be completed in one time, and switch off when no longer used.
  • Consider using a smaller monitor. Size of 14-inch monitor uses 40 percent less energy compared with 17-inch monitor.
  • Turn on standby mode / sleep and energy usage settings.
  • Forget the screen saver because it does not svae energy unless you are still using older versions of the monochrome monitor.
  • See re-draft the documents and emails on screen rather than print it.
  • Turn off the monitor when not in use rather than using a screen saver.
  • Consinder using ink-jet printer-although more slowly than using laser printers, but inkjet use 80-90 percent less energy.
  • Buy products based ink from non-plant or oil - because the product is made from recycled sources, require less use of hazardous materials and reproduce colors more bright and clear.
  • Turn off the printer and all other auxiliary devices when not in use.
  • Do not let the computers stays on at nigth or on weekends
  • Choose a dark color as the background screen, because the bright color display uses more energy.
  • Reduce the level of room lighting using a computer at work
  • Use a network and share printers whenever possible.
  • Print using recycled paper. Use a paper that does not use chlorine with 50 to 100 percent post-consmer waste.
  • Print on both sides of the paper
  • Communication via email as an alternative to memos and faxes.
Currently, there is a mistake of perception or myth of computer usage is common in everyday use, including one of them is the advice to not turn off the computer.

Actually, the computer designed to withstand 40,000 times the cycle on / off, and when useg in a normal computer then the computer can be aged from five to seven years. So by turning off the computer, we not only reduce energy use, but also to reduce heat stress on the computer.

The second assumption of many circulating saying that by turning off and re-turn on the computer will use more energy than leaving in state of light. In fact, the use of energy used by the CPU to boot up much less than by leaving the computer turns on more than three minutes.

Moreover, assuming that the network connection will be disconnected when the computer is also not true low-power/sleep mode. Latest Computer designed so as not to lose the connection or data even in sleep mode state. The CPU is equipped with technology Wake on LAN (WOL) can be left in sleep mode all night and next day the user has received the data sent
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