Reasons Not Allow Eating in Front of Computer

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Rabu, 20 April 2011

When the work piled up, you'll often have to eat in front of the computer. Those bad habits you must immediately remove. How busy job, take time to enjoy your lunch. Because not only have an effect on unhealthy eating habits but also make your food contaminated with many bacteria.

you do not realize that the keyboard that you use there are thousands of bacteria. We put the food in front of the keyboard, then you type it, these bacteria could be thrown into the food you eat.

The keyboard is one of the dirtiest of office equipment and rarely cleaned. There is even research that shows that bacteria found on the keyboard more than the bacteria found on toilet. So, do not take risks with eating in front of the computer, because harmful bacteria from the keyboards can contaminate food and can make you sick.

Not only that, rest or food crumbs scattered very tempting spread of animal diseases such as rats, cockroaches and files. Can you imagine if your desk a favorite place these animals because a lot of food. Surely you  will be exposed to virues such animal-borne illnesses each day.

it is important to maintain the cleanliness of the desk as you work place each day. Do not just rely on the office cleaners, to clean the table. Occasionally clean the table of their own work optimally and keep it clean, especially your keyboard. To clean your desk could use wipes that contain alcohol. Because the alcohol content in it enough to effectively kill bacteria.

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