Six carrier ship hijacked by pirates WNI

Diposting oleh skams-complete-blog on Rabu, 20 April 2011

A South Korean cargo ship (ROK) today alleged Somali pirates have hijacked hordes. Some crew members came from Indonesi.

According to Yonhap news agency, ship Hanjin Tianjin repoted pirate attacks around the Gulf of Aden at 5 am, Thursday, April 21,2011. The ship was anchored off from Gibraltar to bring containers to Singapore.

"We have been told today that our ship had been attacked by pirates near the Gulf of Aden while pointing to Singapore," the company said owners of the ship Hanjin Tianjin, which is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea

The company has admitted now lost contact with the ship was carrying 20 crew members, 14 came from South Korea and six from Indonesi. Thus the growing Indonesian citizens who are viticms of piracy pirate herd.

Besides them, 20 Indonesians who became the crew of the MV Holy Rays also became victims of piracy. The Holy Light crew was held hostage since 16 March.

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